Why you should convert to PaaS

You’ve heard of PaaS or Platform as a Service and know it’s something to do with cloud (as all “As a Service” offerings are). But you don’t really know why it’s a good thing. We defined what PaaS is all about in a previous post What is PaaS? Here, we help you learn more about why you should care and why you should convert to PaaS – particularly your critical business applications.

Benefits to you when your IT partner uses PaaS

convert to PaaSPaaS provides a framework upon which software engineering partners like Zing can build and deliver sophisticated cloud-based applications to your specifications. It offers support services that can help manage applications such as maintaining workflow, security, directory management and scheduling.

Here’s more reasons you should convert to PaaS:

  1. Innovate faster. Using PaaS, development time is cut and so your application is available to you faster
  2. Platform independent. PaaS enables you to access your systems from any device (mobile, laptop, pc) and any location via a web connection
  3. More responsive. Automated deployment means that you can make any application changes and enhancements to meet new requirements faster
  4. Flexibility. The technology skillsets required for PaaS development are common and widely available meaning that your applications are not locked into proprietary or rare applications/skill-sets
  5. Fixed monthly fee. With PaaS you know how much you will spend each month on your software systems
  6. Growth. Your data and applications will grow as your business grows and PaaS has the bandwidth to enable this
  7. Hassle–free. You don’t need to worry about patching, hardware failures or network issues again
  8. Guaranteed uptime. Microsoft’s Azure cloud promises 99.95% uptime
  9. High-availability and disaster recovery capabilities helps you build powerful and sustainable applications
  10. Secure. A PaaS offering provides continual security updates for individual components as they are issued
  11. Analytics. PaaS solutions provide analytics and business intelligence capabilities

Organisations benefit from PaaS because it reduces the amount of coding and development time needed for delivery, minimises on-premise infrastructure headaches and supports the move of applications to a hybrid model.

Why Zing uses PaaS

We are big advocates of PaaS because it helps us get your new application to you, our customer, quickly. It is also the most efficient way to modernise your business applications to a high level of quality.

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